How do people earn Bitcoin?
- There's no easy or foolproof way to make substantial amounts of bitcoin fast and "free bitcoins" don't exist.
- Micro Earnings (pay to click websites, bitcoin faucets, Micro Jobs)
Bitcoin faucets are a website or an app that function as reward system. They dispense satoshis (a hundredth of a millionth BTC) which can be claimed by completing a captcha or task.
- Advertising/Writing about BitCoin (BitcoinTalk Signature Campaigns, writing for blogs and news-sites)
- Providing bitcoin-related services (website manager, graphic design expert, etc...)
- Bitcoin affiliate marketing
- Promote a product, and receive bitcoin for each sale you help make.
- Open a faucet/rotator
- Trading (Day trading, CFDs, binary options)
- Bitcoin-trading app CoinBase
- Day Trading: buying and selling bitcoin on the same day (depends on small, short-term price fluctuations).
- CFD (contracts for difference): Similar to day trading but you don't have to actually "buy" the bitcoin, you just buy a contract for it (so you don't have to deal with holding or storing it). You can short sell for a profit.
- Binary Options: predict whether the value of bitcoin will increase or decrease in a given time period. If your prediction is correct, you earn the payoff. If it's wrong, you lose your investment.
- Some companies actually pay their employees in BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies
- (eliminates the middleman, no geographical limitations, etc...)
- Mining
How are new BitCoins created?
- Bitcoins are generated by a competitive and decentralized process called "mining".
- "Miners" are process and verify transactions, securing the network with specialized hardware.
- The first miner to verify the transaction receives a certain amount of bitcoins as a reward.
- The Bitcoin protocol is designed in such a way that new bitcoins are created at a fixed rate.
- This makes Bitcoin mining a very competitive business.
- When more miners join the network, it becomes increasingly difficult to make a profit and miners must seek efficiency to cut their operating costs.
What is mining?
- Computers (called "miners") verify transactions to create a verified box
- This means that they "package" recent transactions in blocks (unfakeable units)
- This is like when a credit card company verifies that you have available funds.
- It requires A LOT of computing power, which it's pretty impractical to mine for yourself.
- The mining process is too energy-intensive to sabotage the blockchain.
How does BitCoin function while decentralized?
- Everyone has their own ledger.
- Everytime a transaction occurs, it's broadcast to the world so everyone can add that line into their ledger.
- But how can we make sure that everyone is receiving the broadcast in the same order?
- How can we trust that the transaction is real?
- We determine it by computation power. Which involves the blockchain.
- A block contains several transactions (2,400) and a special number.
- Miners have to find a special number that when combined with the block, and put into a SHA256 method, it will give you a number with 60 0s in front.
- The amount of 0s in front does not have to be 60, it depends.
- Then it will broadcast the block to everyone else.
- Then to reward the first miner, we will give them some rewards. That is mining.
Computation Power
- Then why can we trust computation power?
- As a rule, we assume the longest blockchain is the most updated one.
- A person may try to forge one block or several blocks. But because creating a block necessitates finding that special number, it takes a lot of computation power to forge.
- A person may be lucky enough to get a few blocks. But there are a bunch of other miners trying to create a block. So the forger cannot create blocks as fast as the rest of the world.
- So after several blocks, there ends up being enough information to be sure which blockchain is the real one.
Special Number
- For the special number, it does not need to give you a hash number with 60 0s in front.
- In fact, it changes periodically that will take around 10 minutes for miners to get that number.
- When there are more and more miners, the number of 0s in front will increase. So the probability of you finding that number will decrease.
- Why? Because the probability of finding a hash number with n 0s in front is 2^n.
- Miners will get a fix number of bitcoin as reward. But this number decrease geometrically over time.
- Right now the reward is 12.5 bitcoins.
- This means the total number of bitcoin will never be over 21 millions.
- Miners will also get a transaction fee that is left by the broadcaster because they want the miner to include their transactions into the block since each block has a limited transaction (2,400)